Friday, December 12, 2008

Another Self-Obsession ooops... Possession :D

Nice, eh?


Anuj said...

Make the sloping gradient of the text from light grey to white, put in an outer glow too, a faint subtle one. It'll look classy.Try it out.

Vishesh said...

tried it. The text just gets blurred. Were you talking about the gradient of the border?

Shah of Blah said...

Maybe you shouldn't have those dashes in the background ... MAYBE.

Espèra said...

Sorry that'd be me ...

Vishesh said...

you're shah of blah? amazingly thought ful name I must say. ;). btw, those "dashes" were supposed to indicate some kind of rain. To add to the "mysticity" you see... :) If you still insist I might try.

Vishesh said...
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Vivek said...

I like it...and outer glow on a cramped font like that ain't gonna be pretty...liked the dark overall "mystical" effect

Project Two Lives said...

Hey Vishesh, check this link out
nice endeavor :)

Vishesh said...

@aakanksha: thnx for the link. btw, I do use it, and even vectortuts, since I've even begun using Illustrator. And the T-shirt design _is_ using that. :)

Espèra said...

No, no no no no no. I am NOT Shah of Blah. That was brother's id. He left it signed in.
You can guess what happened next.